Your support will help connect survivors of sexual assault and increase the likelihood that serial perpetrators will be held accountable - making colleges and communities safer for us all!
“Callisto was my safety net. I knew once I entered that system that one day I would find the person who made me less alone. And that was what I needed to feel whole again and to start healing.”
~Ray Epstein, Callisto Ambassador
You're giving over 21 million people FREE access to our revolutionary encrypted platform!
Your support not only helps provide protection, support, and options to sexual assault survivors attending and working on college campuses, nationwide, it also assists us in reaching our ultimate goal of expanding beyond academia!
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Create a fundraising page and encourage friends and loved ones to join you!
Learn More
Callisto has created the first of its kind encrypted platform, revolutionizing survivor support and perpetrator accountability.
Organize on Campus
Are you a college student interested in supporting sexual assault survivors on your campus? This is a great place to start!
Spread the Word
Since the power of our technology increases the more people know about (and use) it, spreading the word makes a huge impact!